Cycling Hanoi - Hue - NhaTrang 5 days

 Day 01: Hanoi - Hue – Hoi An (L/D) (80 km)

Have breakfast and a short drive out of Hanoi. Start riding on the coastal roads, cycle past local beaches and  ancient burial-grounds, rice farming lands, and fishing villages. Have lunch in Lang Co beach. After lunch, pedal uphill to the top of Hai Van Pass, then keep pedaling downhill to DaNang. Transfer to Hoi An in late afternoon

Day 2: Hoi An free (B/)

Enjoy a whole day by your own free time to explorer the biggest former commercial port of South East Asia back to 17 century

 Day 3: Hoi An - Quang Ngai (B/L/D) (80 km)

Have breakfast at the hotel and check out. Cycle south of Hoi An to Cua Dai beach and cross Thu Bon river. Ride on back roads through yellow sand dunes to Tam Ky. Have lunch before transferring to Chau O for an afternoon bike ride. Ride on country roads to My Lai village to visit the memorial of the massacre to remember 504 locals who died. Continue cycling to the hotel in the town of Quang Ngai.

Day 4: Quang Ngai – Qui Nhon (B/L/D) (100 km)

A morning transfer to ocean village back roads where vehicle can not be accessed, ride on rural roads through coconuts homeland of central Vietnam. Ride through rice fields and rural villages and mountainous area . Enjoy a picnic lunch on the way, then  we continue an afternoon of riding on beautiful back roads through salt fields to city of Qui Nhon.  Transfer for 20 minutes to Qui Nhon city.

Day 5: Qui Nhon - Nha Trang . Back to Hanoi (B/L/) (75 km)

Transfer 30 minutes to the suburb of Qui Nhon city, start cycling on back roads to and you could race along a railway, ride rolling hills to La Hai, have lunch on the way, and finish today's ride in Tuy Hoa. Transfer to Nha Trang in the late afternoon. Overnight in Nha Trang. Tour is over.

Contact Lotussia Travel for more details.


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