Cycling night to Mai Chau valley 2 days

Mai Chau is knows as the home to white Thai minority people in Hoa Binh province. The Sunday market brings a lot of people into town. People from different minorities living in the mountains come to Mai Chau market to sell their specific products: honey, bananas, corn, and tho cam made by skilled Thai women. The Sunday market is also an occasion to enjoy traditional Thai dishes and to participate in traditional dances.

 Day 1 Hanoi – Mai Chau (L/D/) ( 25 km)

In the morning drive to Mai Chau, driving through mountainous landscape of Hoa Binh province.  Stop for lunch at a local house, Pom Coong Village. After lunch, enjoy a bike ride through the lovely villages among rice terrace in the valley of Mai Chau. An afternoon bike ride will be finished at 5:00 pm at Buoc Village where your friendly Thai hosts welcomes you. Stay a night in stilt-house home of a Thai ethnic minority family.

Day 2 Mai Chau - Hanoi (B/L/) ( 20 km)

After breakfast with your host, spend an hour trekking into villages to know  how locals weaving brocade products. They're happy to show visitors their skills. Get back to your bikes and begin to ride on different trails to Pom Coong Village. have a transfer back to Hanoi in the late. End of services.

Contact Lotussia Travel for more details.


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