Mountain Bike Pu Luong Nature Reserve Vietnam

The Pu Luong nature reserve is an important example of Limestone Karst, ecosystems renowned for their complexity, richness and beauty. Biking in Pu Luong is one of the best ways to discover the natural beauty of the region and exotic culture of minority groups. On this biking tour that includes both off-road, single track mountain biking and homestay experience. Begin your adventure with a car transfer from Hanoi up to Hoa Binh province where you start cycling up and downhill until you reach Mai Chau valley. You then cycle on the back roads, pedal on single dirt trails to Pu Luong Nature reserve.


Day 1: Hanoi – Mai Chau valley. Start cycling (L,D)

You will be met up by our guide and driver at around 7h30. Then depart Hanoi for Mai Chau. Enjoy the spectacular scenery whist transfer. From the top of Cun Mountain, one can admire the superb panorama of Mai Chau surrounded by a green valley and stilt houses. Do not miss to take the photo! Arriving at Poom Coong village for an early lunch. After lunch cycle to the Thai village of Cun Pheo on a mix of good single track paths and undulating rough jeep trails. The views are stunning as the ride passes through many villages and across rice paddies. Pass hot springs, cycle across suspension bridges and follow the contours round beautiful terraced rice fields. On arriving in Cun Pheo village the rest of the afternoon is at leisure to wander by foot or explore the village trails further by bike. Overnight in local village homestay.
Day 2: Continue biking. Mai Chau valley - Pu Luong Nature Reserve (B,L,D)

After breakfast, you will continue riding to Co Luong on paved road. You start the off-road bike from Co Luong to Kho Muong village. You cycle past rice fields and bananas plantations as you pass through small minority villages inhabited by the Muong and the Thai. There are two hard climbs today the first starts after 1 km with a 3 km ascent but the second, and most challenging comes at the end of this stunning day, with an 5 km strength-sapping climb. You finish the day with a stunning descend on a winding trail  into Kho Muong village. Dinner and homestay in a stilt house in Kho Muong village of Thai minority people.
Day 3: Bike Kho Muong village - Pho Doan town - Canh Nang (B,L)

After breakfast, you will bike on the village path uphill to the dirt road. This part of the road is in bad condition but offers beautiful views over Thai villages and terraced rice fields on the valley. You cycle downhill on the single track to Pho Doan. After lunch, provided in a local restaurant in town, you will continue pedaling along a mix of dirt tracks and tarmac trails through Thai village and across rice paddies. The biking follows a river gradually upstream, though the ride appears flat. You will be picked up by your support vehicle at Canh Nang town and transferred back to Hanoi. You will be dropped off at your hotel in Hanoi. The end of Lotussia Travel service.

Contact Lotussia Travel for more details.


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