North Vietnam Tours Travel Hanoi Ha Giang Yen Minh Dong Van Meo Vac Quan Ba (5 days)

This 5-day North Vietnam Tours is arranged in the far north Vietnam where you will visit beautiful scenery of the wild nature, to meet up with different ethnic groups. Begin your off the beaten path tour from Hanoi, you travel through Tuyen Quang to Ha Giang town, Ha Giang province. After spend a night at local home (homestay), you continue your road trip up to the north pole, Yen Minh, Quan Ba, Meo Vac, Dong Van. Visit the karst plateau, the ancient palace of the H’mong King in Saphin village, the old streets in Dong Van town. This guided tour is one of our hot tours are customized for those seeking a different travel experience to the less traveled Vietnam.


 Day 1: Drive Hanoi – Ha Giang

8:00: You will be met up with Lotussia Travel team at your hotel in Hanoi and transferred to Ha Giang via Tuyen Quang province.

We arrive in Ha Giang around early afternoon. We will check into a local village house and have lunch. After lunch, we will have a short walk around this village.

Meeting and talking with local villagers will help you understand more the culture of the Tay ethnic group.

Dinner will be provided at the village. Overnight in a stilt house.

Day 2: Ha Giang – Yen Minh

After breakfast in the stilt house, we will have a short visit of the Ha Giang museum before we continue our drive towards  Dong Van stone plateau.

We stop en route for a short walk through the hill of pine and visit a Red Dao of village. Lunch en route.

We arrive Yen Minh town around late afternoon. Check into a local guesthouse for overnight.

Day 3: Yen Minh – Dong Van – Meo Vac

8:00 we continue our road trip to Dong Van karst plateau. A stop will be made en route for visiting a Hmong village in Lung Cam, and the residence of the Vuong family, still called “Palace of Hmong King”.

After lunch and short rest, we continue our drive towards Meo Vac town. We make some stops en route for admiring the scenery and taking some photos of Ma Pi Leng pass.

Arriving in Meo Vac, we check into a local hotel and take a rest. Then if time permit, we will have the opportunity to visit a village of Hmong near the town.

Dinner and overnight in Meo Vac.

Day 4: Meo Vac – Ha Giang.

After breakfast, we start our road trip back to Ha Giang town. Upon our arrival in Quan Ba, Yen Minh, we will make a stop in Lung Tam village, a Hmong village where you will learn how local villagers weave brocades.

After lunch at Quan Ba, we continue our trip back to Ha Giang. Check into a stilt house for dinner and overnight.

Day 5: Ha Giang – Hanoi.

After breakfast, enjoy a full day drive back to Hanoi. Lunch will be provided en route. Arrive back in Hanoi around mid-afternoon. End of Lotussia Travel service.
Contact Lotussia Travel for more details.


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