Sapa mountain biking tours: Cycle Sapa Lai Chau Than Thuoc Than Uyen Lao Cai (4 days)

The 4-day mountain bike tour is customized in the north western Vietnam taking you to such travel destinations as Sapa, Lai Chau, Than Thuoc, Than Uyen, Lao Cai. After spending a night on board train, you will arrive Sapa then begin a warming up bike tour in Sapa before continue your 3-day cycling adventures. The first day is just an easy bike ride since you pedal on flat roads and mostly downhill. The second day is the most challenging with lots of up and downhill rides. A support vehicle is on the back up to make sure that you can cycle where and when you like. The two last days are more relaxing since you bike on flat, paved roads. The Sapa mountain biking tour is combined with single dirt trails, offroads biking with visit of hill tribe ethnic villages. You also have the opportunity to visit a highland market and spend the night at local homes (homestay).


Day 1: Arrive Laocai. Travel to Sapa. Cycle Sapa (B,L).

Arrive early this morning at Laocai Railways Station at 5:30. You will be greeted by Lotussia local team and transferred to Sapa.

Breakfast will be provided in a local restaurant in town.

You head out from Sapa by going downhill to the villages. The ride takes you into one of the most beautiful valleys of the area. From Lao Chai you turn in a dirt trail, which sneaks through rice paddy terraces and villages, home to different hill tribes such as Black Hmong, Giay. You will have time to stop by a local house as well as enjoy excellent views over huge rice paddy terraces. You will later arrive in Tavan, where the car returns you to Sapa.

Day 2: Bike Sapa – Lai Chau (B,L,D)

8:30: Drive uphill towards Tram Ton. It's a tough climb out of Sa Pa to Heaven's gate, so your support vehicle will transfer you out to a starting point at the 'Silver Waterfall'. Then it's a 3Km climb up the highest mountain pass in Indochina where you'll stop to marvel at the spectacular view of Hoang Lien mountains before free-wheeling  down 26km to Binh Lu Junction.

Heading off the main road, its 20kms of sometimes rocky road to Than Thuoc, a charming little tea town where you'll spend the night in a local guesthouse.

Day 3: Cycle Than Thuoc – Than Uyen (B,L,D).

After breakfast, your support vehicle will transfer you up a steep mountain pass to the starting point where you'll glide down 20kms to Than Uyen through valleys where the old growth forest, tea plantations and verdant rice paddies surround you during your ride.

After lunch in Than Uyen, you'll have a wonderful afternoon as you explore some single track trails to visit local minority villages, including the interesting Lu people with their distinctively black teeth.

Arrive back in Than Uyen for dinner and overnight in the local guesthouse.

Day 4: Cycle Than Uyen – Laocai. Overnight train back to Hanoi (B,L).

After breakfast, ride 40kms around the other side of the stunning Muong Kim valley with time for lots of stops to take pictures of the local hill tribe people and the stunning scenery there.

Arrive in Van Ban for a late lunch then hop on the minivan to drive back to Lao Cai.. Train ??? Departure at ??? (to be advised).

Contact Lotussia Travel for more details.


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