Sapa Vietnam Biking Tour one day Pedal Silver Waterfall Heavens Gate Binh Lu Tam Duong Sapa Bike Tours Cycle Heaven Gates and Tam Duong (1 day)

This is a one-day cycling tour we arrange in Sapa area. Begin the tour with a car transfer out of Sapa to Binh Lu, Tam Duong, Lai Chau province. You stop en route and start cycling mostly downhill to Binh Lu where you have the opportunity to visit the Binh Lu market is open only on Thursday and Sunday morning. This is one of the highlight of the trip. After visiting the market, you continue riding on a single dirt track to a remote Dzao village. The off-road biking offers a very fun experience. Visit the village and cycle back to the main road where your lunch is provided in a local house. In the afternoon, you have some more ride to the surrounding villages before taking your car for the journey back to Sapa. Contact Lotussia Travel for more details.


8:00: You will be met up with Lotussia Travel team at your hotel in Sapa. You will commence the trip from Sapa going uphill to the Silver Waterfall. From here you will cycle up to Heavens Gate, the highest stretch of road in Vietnam. Here you will experience the stunning views  across  the  valley.  You will  then  travel  by  bicycle  downhill  to  Binh  Lu, where  you will  have lunch. In Binh Lu you will be able to visit the local market. From Binh Lu it is also possible to take another  1  hour  on  the  bike  and  1  hour  walking  to  visit  a  remote  village  inhabited  by  the  Dao minority. A long day of activity, adventure, and have course a fantastic nature experience is almost over. It is now time for the jeep ride back to Sapa. Arrive back in Sapa around late afternoon. End of Lotussia Travel service.


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Sapa Vietnam Cycling Tour one day: Ride Su Pan Ban Ho villages

This is an easy bicycle day tour we customize for small groups tours, family travel, holidays with kids to Sapa villages. The bicycle ride take you to Giang Ta Chai village, Ta Van village, Su pan village and Ban Ho villages. You cycle mostly downhill from Sapa town to Muong Hoa valley. Some of the biking route are off-road biking as you bicycle on single dirt tracks, village lanes. Meeting up with different ethnic groups such as Giay, H’mong and Tay people help to understand local customs and tradtions. Contact Lotussia Travel for more details.


8:00: You will be met up with Lotussia Travel team at your hotel in Sapa. You will cycle into the Sapa valley and experience the fantastic scenery of mountains and rice paddy fields  along  the way.  You will  visit  the Black Hmong  village  of  Su  Pan  and  then  continue mostly downhill  to  the Tay  village  of Ban Ho, where  you will  enjoy  lunch  and  have  time  to  explore  the village and take a swim in the river. After lunch you will be able to take a walk up to Red Dao village of Nam Toong. Here you have  time  to visit  the  local school and a Red Dao house. After exploring Nam Toong you walk back to Ban Ho where your car is waiting to take you back to Sapa. Arrive back in Sapa around late afternoon. End of Lotussia Travel service.


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