travelers says about Lotussia Travel

5 of 5 stars Reviewed October 18, 2012

We went on a 2 day trek with Lotussia Travel including a homestay and it was wonderful. We arranged everything through email (Lotussia Travel was very responsive) and everything was ready for us when we arrived. Our guide, Cho, spoke perfect English and was extremely knowledgeable about the area because it's where she has lived her whole life. She let us choose different routes and got us off the beaten path where we were away from other tourists. The homestay was very comfortable and the food was delicious!

As others have said, be forewarned that the women who tag along for the first half of the first day will want to sell you things. We got really ripped off because it took us off guard. We told Cho that we didn't want to buy anything more and asked her to please tell any other women that we were not interested. We had no more problems.

We had an incredible experience with the Sapa Sisters and would highly recommend them.

“Excellent guide”

My wife and I recently had a 2D trip with Chi in SaPa. Chi was lovely and is a very knowledgeable of the area. She asked what we wanted to do and made sure that we got what we wanted. For any like me who have never left the city, this was a big insight into how others live. Not in Kansas anymore Toto. We stayed in a well appointed local house, though even this felt like camping. We did have a fantastic time though and learnt a lot.

My only complaint was in regards to the 'hangers-on' mentioned by others, and mainly only due to my own stupidity. I am not good at bargaining and always forget. I have been ripped off so many times, but probably the most by these followers. Get back to town and find the same thing for 1/4 the price leaves a bad taste in your mouth. I would appreciate the guides giving more warning. She did feel sorry for us though and did some bargaining on our behalf later on. :)

Seriously though, if EVER a price is verbal rather than written down, 1/4 seems to be a fair price to pay. E.g. If they ask $20, pay no more than $5. I'm only slightly bitter...honest!


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