Vietnam Mysterious Limestone Highland Discovery

Day 1: Hanoi – Thai Nguyen - Tuyen Quang – Quang Binh ( –,L,D)Vietnam Mysterious Limestone Highland Discovery

Depart at 08.00 from Hanoi by vehicle for Thai Nguyen City. Arrive in Thai Nguyen at 09.30. Paying visit to the famous Museum of ethnology here.
-10.00 Leaving Thai Nguyen for Tan Trao. Visit the historical site of Tan Trao which is called the capital of the resistant forces(Vietminh) in the war against the French from 1946 – 1954. Visit Ha village of the Tay ethnic peoples.
-12.00 lunch at a local restaurant in Tan Trao Commune.
-The road trip from Thai Nguyen to Tuyen Quang along national road 37 also offers beautiful landscapes featuring the midland between the northern mountainous region and the Red River delta with large valleys lying amongst hilly land and mountains. The region is also home to several ethnic groups such as Tay, Dao, Cao Lan.
-Leaving Tan Trao at 13.00 for 2 hours driving via Tuyen Quang Town and then following national road 2 uphill to Vinh Tuy.
-Take a short break at Vinh Tuy before taking a back road to travel through the prosperous lowland of Ha Giang province. This region stretches for over 50km long, lying between the Chay and Lo rivers with dozens of beautiful valleys separated by low mountain passages and being homes to the Tay ethnic peoples.
-16.00 stop for visiting Chi village consisting of nearly 100 wooden houses built on stilts in the traditional style of the Tay which lies at the center of a spectacular valley.
-17.00 leaving Chi village for Quang Binh town let little bit late. Check in hotel, freshen up and Dinner.

•Total driving is 306 km. walking for about two hours for sightseeing and visiting villages.
•Staying overnight Ha Phuong Guesthouse: Air-coned and clean room, private bathroom with hot shower, western toilet.
•Lunch & Dinner: Vietnamese set menu

 Day 2: Quang Binh – Nam An –  Ha Giang – Bac Me (B,L,D)

-Breakfast and leaving Quang Binh at 08.00 and driving 12 km to My Bac Commune and spend 20 minutes to visit the communal market before walking around My Pac village, paying visit to local homes to discover the unique culture of the Pa Then ethnic peoples. There is opportunities to see Pa Then women making traditional brocade and costumes.
-09.30: Leaving My Pac Village and driving 37 km for about an hour to Nam An. This is a special tip of the day! At the top of the mountain pass about 3 km for the main road, great view of the below valleys, the Lo river… opens wide and far. Nam An used to be a narrow and deep valley, built into a lake for water storage to run a hydraulic power plant and now has become spectacular lake with a peninsular for eco-tourist sport. The group will spend an hour walking around the lake to pay visit to a Red Zao village whose culture and living style is remaining as its was for hundreds of years. Lunch in a house built by the water and relax. Clients may swim in the emerald clear water or moving around the lake on bamboo rafts or boats.
-Leaving Nam An at about 13.30 driving 45 km to Ha Giang. Clients will enjoy stunning landscapes along the Lo river. Paying visit to a beautiful valley located 3 km from Ha Giang township. Walk about 3 km around Me village of the Tay ethnic peoples, visiting local homes for discovery of the Tay’s way of life.
-Continue the road trip through Ha Giang, along national road 34 for an hour and arrive to the upstream region of the Na Hang reservoir. Stop for visiting the village of the immigrants who have given their land for the construction of the Na Hang hydraulic power plant and some other small hamlets of the Tay and Zao scattering around a stunning valley, surrounded by high mountains and lush forest.
-Drive the last portion of the road to Bac Me town let, arriving in Bac Me at about 17.30. Check in hotel and free walk to explore this charming town let, which is beautifully set on the bank of the Gam river.

•Total driving is 145 km. walking about two and a half hours for sightseeing and visiting villages.
•Staying overnight at Song Gam hotel: Air-coned and clean room, private bathroom with hot shower, western toilet.
•Lunch & Dinner: Vietnamese set menu

Day 3: Bac Me – Meo Vac – Dong Van( B,L,D)

-Breakfast, check out hotel at 08.00 and departure for Meo Vac. The first portion 47 km of the road weaves its way along the the Gam river amongst high mountains and thick forest offers beautiful scenery with several photo stops.
-Crossing the Gam river and following the newly built road uphill for about 27 km, the group will arrive to Niem Son commune and spend almost an hour here for visiting the local market and paying visit to a small village of the H’mong ethnic peoples.
-Driving 25 km uphill through the remote and deserted region to Meo Vac. From here visitors will see the contrast between the tough topography and climate of this remote highland and what they have seen in two days before while traveling through the lower land. Getting close to Meo Vac, there appeared some small hamlets of the H’mong built on the immense limestone hill sides. Stop for visiting one of these hamlets for the first impression of the very hard life on this mysterious limestone highland.
-Arriving in Meo Vac at noon, take a quick look at the market and lunch break.
-After Lunch, the group will pay visit to a small village of the Lolo, an ethnic group with only about 4,700 peoples near the town before leaving Meo Vac for the real discovery of the limestone highland. The narrow road winds its way on the wall-up and deserted limestone mountain side with the view of a valley deep down where the Nho Que river sneaking, bending…amidst mountain feet. This is Ma Pi Leng, one of the most famous mountain passes in Vietnam for its magnificent beauty and danger! After several stops for spectacular land scapes, the group will take a walk for half an hour to visit Ma Pi Leng village of the H’mong which is consisted of only about 20 houses built on the rocky land. Here visitor will see unimaginable and hard life of the H’mong living on this highland for hundreds of years. Also here the true value of cultivated land and water can be seen!
-Continue along the road for 16 km to Dong Van. Check in hotel upon arrival and having a short rest.
-At about 17.00, the group gathers again for a leisure walk around the market place and the old street of Dong Van. It is really a good chance to see one of the uniqueness of local minority life If on Saturday. This part will be crowded and lively for many H’mong and Zao peoples come from remote and isolated villages to attend the week-end market which took place from early Sunday.

•Total driving is 160 km. walking about two hours for sightseeing visiting to villages
•Staying overnight at Rocky Highland Hotel: Air-coned and clean room, private bathroom with hot shower, western toilet.
•Lunch & Dinner: Vietnamese set menu

Day 4: Dong Van – Lung Cu - Vuong Palace – Pho Bang – Yen Minh – Quan Ba (B,L,D)

-Breakfast, check out hotel at 08.00 and drive 26 km to Lung Cu commune located on the northernmost tip of Dong Van highland and Vietnam as well. Here clients will pay visiting to two villages: One of the H’mong ethnic – majority of Dong Van district - and one of the Red Lolo – A very small ethnic group.
•If on Friday: The group will leave Dong Van earlier for having about an hour more to attend the communal market of Lung Cu, which is colorful and interesting.
•If on Sunday: Spend 2 hours in the morning for attending the famous Dong Van market and leave for Lung Cu at 09.30. In this case arriving in Quan Ba late at about 19.00.

-Leaving Lung Cu down hill for about 25 km, the group will enjoy sightseeing at the famous historical and cultural site: The Vuong Family Palace once ruled over the H’mong in the region and popularly known as King of the H’mong.
-Continue by road for 17 km to Sung La commune beautifully set at the foot of Pho Cao mountain pass. Here the group will walk around the Lung Cam village, paying visiting to H’mong families, especially the very old typical and beautiful house here.
-Driving uphill a stunning mountain pass, enjoy viewing stop before turning right for 5 km to Pho Bang ancient town let. This town let was built hundreds of years ago as a regional trading center between the local and Chinese traders. Walking for about an hour to explore this charming town let which is featured with two storey wooden houses, clay walled, Yin and Yang tiled roofs and leisure atmosphere.
-Leaving Pho Bang for a driving down hill to a lush valley where Yen Minh town let located for late lunch break.
-Leaving Yen Minh for a drive uphill of a long and high mountain pass, enjoying marvelous scenery the lush forest and stop at the top of the pass for great view of the surrounding region.
-Take a break at the foot of the pass far walking to visit a village of the La Chi, another small ethnic group with only over 3,000 individuals in Vietnam whose culture is really unique and strong.
-Continue by road 4C along the Mtem river for an hour, walking to visit Nam Dam village of the Zao ao dai (Zao with long dress) located at the center of a large and stunning valley before arriving in Tam Son town let of Quan Ba district. Check in hotel for freshen up and relax. Evening is at leisure.

•Total driving is 132 km. walking for about nearly 3 hours for sightseeing visiting to villages
•Staying overnight at Tam Son Hotel: Air-coned and clean room, private bathroom with hot shower, western toilet.
•Lunch & Dinner: Vietnamese set menu

Day 5: Quan Ba – Ha Giang – Ha Noi (B,L,-)

-Breakfast and check out hotel for a long driving day back to Hanoi today.
-Driving uphill 5 km to the top of Quan Ba mountain pass, stop for admiring the magnificent scenery and great view of Quan Ba valley. Then driving few kilometers further for visiting the Quyet Tien Commune locating near the top of Quan Ba pass at 1000 m above sea level. Hear the group will spend an hour enjoying marvel of nature and paying visit to 2 villages: One is Lung Muoi village of the H’mong with traditional living style of the highlander ethnics and the other, Vinh Tien village of the Kinh peoples immigrated to the region in 1980s in a government project attempting to give local minority ethnic peoples an example about intensive farming so that they can learn better farming technique from these immigrants.
-Driving downhill for another hour and take a coffee stop at Ha Giang before continue along national road 2 to Bac Quang. Lunch break.
-The whole afternoon is for traveling along national road 2 for Hanoi with several stops along the way.
-Arrive in Hanoi in late afternoon at about 19.00 to end up the trip
•Total driving is 360 km. walking about one and a half hour for sightseeing visiting to villages.
•Lunch: Vietnamese set menu


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